Enter the Teens Run Modesto art contest and we promise we won’t throw you behind bars with Jimmy the painting Chimp.
Earn cash for your school’s art program while supporting your TRM team and the community.
See your school TRM site leader to enter.
How it works:
- Each school with a Teens Run Modesto
- Program is eligible to enter.
- Your school’s art class will be provided with canvas, class must provide own paint.
- Theme of artwork must be running and Modesto.
- Work must be completed by 3/15/2011 and presented to the school TRM site leader.
- All entries will be displayed at the Modesto Centre Plaza on 3/19/2011 during The Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon Pre Race Expo.
- Judging will take place during the Marathon Expo and winners announced at the pre-marathon pasta dinner following the Expo.
- Judging panel of 4 will be led by Dolores Avendano, world famous artist and athlete.
- Awards will be given for first. second, and third places.
- Artwork will be placed along the race course for the enjoyment of all race participants and families.
- Prize amounts to be determined at a later date.