Hello TRM Juniors & Seniors!
Have you heard of the TRM Leadership Program?
We are excited to announce our fourth year of the TRM Leadership Program offered exclusively to TRM Juniors and Seniors. The program is a free 5 week program targeted to help juniors and seniors transition into life after graduation by developing skills in many areas including professionalism, leadership, communication, and career readiness. Students that participate in the TRM Leadership Program will receive professional mentorship, invaluable skills, an opportunity to discover leadership, build confidence, and special consideration for the TRM scholarship. We hope to see all of you there!
This year, our program is 5 sessions and will occur throughout the season on Sundays from 11:00am-3:00pm on the following dates:
- January 13
- January 27
- February 10
- February 24
- March 10 (Final Presentations)
Students that complete the program will get a free shirt and certificate.
Register today! Complete the Leadership Application and email to Amanda at runningcoachamanda@gmail.com by December 30th.
Looking forward to seeing all of you!
Amanda Drake
TRM Leadership Program Director